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Friday, 8 September 2006
Time to panic? Time to panic.
Topic: Uni

Yesterday morning, I had a meeting with my thesis supervisor, the first meeting in a while that I didn't have anything written for, because I've been working on essays for my classes.  I didn't want to go in totally empty-handed, so I came up with a new outline for my thesis Wednesday night.  It felt pretty good as I was writing it - much less of a struggle to put together than the previous one I'd drafted.  But it does mean that I'm going to have to cut way back on the length of some of the sections I'd already drafted.  

Anyway, my supervisor also though the draft outline looked good.  And then she reminded me that she's going overseas at the beginning of next month, which is not a surprise - she discussed that with me before she formally agreed to take me on.  What was a surprise was '...and I'm going to want a draft of your thesis by then.'  I don't remember that having been discussed before - although, who knows, my brain hasn't been the most reliable lately.  

I haven't even properly drafted a chapter yet!  And I have an essay due a week from today!  Which will leave me about two weeks to draft my whole damn thesis!  Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

(Okay, yes, I have stuff written - quite a lot in terms of total word count, but most of that is going to have to be mercilessly edited, and I am not good with editing down my own work.  It often takes me much longer to cut my work than to write it in the first place.  It could be worse, but it's still not a happy-making situation.)

My supervisor's a sharp woman.  I think she's figured me out.  All those 11 p.m. e-mails I've sent her with section drafts must have tipped her off to the fact that I don't get spectactularly productive until a deadline LOOMS in the most threatening way possible.

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4:50 AM BST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 8 September 2006 4:53 AM BST

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