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Tuesday, 12 July 2005
New billing month, new bandwidth cap!
Topic: Whatever
Finally. The good thing about my ISP is that they don't charge extra when I exceed my monthly usage cap. The bad thing is that when they slow down my service speed after I have exceeded the cap, Tripod seems to not want to let me play with my blog or website. I had to go to uni to write my last two or three entries, which is a drag. And the really bad news is that, 2 months out of the last 3, I've gone over my cap about 2 weeks into the month. Hopefully, when I'm not indiscrimately downloading journal articles in the name of last-minute "research" or attempting an extensive and long-delayed update of Better Late... the bandwidth will go a little further.

Life as I know it: I'm still looking for a part-time job, on the countdown to the start of the next semester, and most importantly, on the countdown to the next Harry Potter book! A group of us impoverished grad students are pooling our resources to buy it, and while full custody arrangements have not been worked out, I think I'll be getting it first since I read fast and have been known to stay up most of the night when I get drawn into a story.

Links galore! Having a blog may become an obstacle in finding a job in academia. Good thing I don't want one. A good editorial by Robert Fisk on the London bombings. London Mayor Ken Livingstone's statement following the bombings is worth reading, and can be found at the end of John Nicols's latest post, which is also worth reading. As if hackers didn't have a bad enough reputation, someone has proven willing to exploit the bombings to perpetuate computer viruses. Newest entry on my reading list: War Made Easy. Does the investigation into who outed Valerie Plame, and the subsequent jailing of Judith Miller herald the end of investigative journalism? Before Judith Miller was a poster child for investigative journalism, she was using anonymous administration sources to sell stories about Iraq's purported WMD (Slate's Jack Shafer took Miller and the Times to task on this point repeatedly. What a way to live: six months in a motor home, six months on a barge in Europe.

6:26 AM BST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 12 July 2005 8:32 AM BST

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