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Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Completely atypical
Topic: Uni

I handed in both my essays today, well ahead of time.  That never happens.  I'd say I don't know who this person who handed those essays in is, but as a friend was kind enough to point out, I've more than made up for submitting my essays early by getting a nearly two-month extension on my thesis.  These are, possibly, the last essays I will ever write.  At least for an academic mark.  I'd be more excited about that if I didn't have the thesis to get back to.

And I read what I've written for my thesis this afternoon.  I was not encouraged.  The good news is that I seem to have a fairly clear idea about what I want to say, but the way I've said it so far is a mess.  My current draft chapters aren't well-structured, the argument is all over the place - there's a lot to be done, in other words.  And there's still plenty of work in tying the various bits of my argument together in a reasonably coherent way, which is going to include additional research to bridge some of the current gaps.  Yeah, a lot of work. 

I don't see much of that work getting done this week, as I'm in Sydney from Thursday to Friday morning, on what is possibly the sweetest babysitting job ever.  The family I sit for in my neighborhood are flying me up to Sydney to mind their son while dad and mom go to the premiere of a play based on a book written by dad's brother.  So we'll run around Sydney on Thursday, then I've got Friday morning to myself and then it's back to Melbourne in time to possibly (possibly) be virtuous and do a bit of a work on my thesis ahead of the weekend.  

Tuesday, 7 November 2006 - 11:48 AM GMT

Name: "Mom"

You say: And there's still plenty of work in tying the various bits of my argument together in a reasonably coherent way, which is going to include additional research to bridge some of the current gaps.  Yeah, a lot of work. 

I say:  I should have taught you how to knit.

Dorothy Day says: "Knitting is very conducive to thought. It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, write a while, then take up the sock again."

There is something about the repetition of knitting that is calming and helps one to "tie the various bits" together of whatever is going on.




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Monday, 13 November 2006 - 11:24 PM GMT

Name: eninnej

Mom - You did try to teach me to knit, ages ago, so no maternal deficiencies in the attempt to pass skills down the line. :) I didn't take to it, though. And even with the recent hipster knitting resurgence, it still really doesn't interest me. I'm happy with my needlework - maybe you can teach me to quilt when I'm back.

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