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Wednesday, 28 December 2005
Play day
Topic: Whatever
And oh, what a play day it was. Gracious's other grandparents have a beach house on the Mornington Peninsula, and I was invited down for the family party for Gracious's birthday. The Good Doctors and I headed out in the late morning, and arrived in plenty of time for lunch. Spent the day watching Gracious open presents; chatting; eating; teasing Gracious and her sister, Blue Eyes; walking to the beach; sitting on the beach; walking down the beach; then going back to the house and eating some more.

It was such a gorgeous day. The weather was perfect - just warm enough in the sun, just cool enough in the shade. The water in the shallows at the bay beach was warm and crystal clear, and the beach was littered with bright, delicate shards of seashells. Unfortunately, the beach was cursed with a plague of flies, and Australian flies are a special breed. They're persistent, they travel in packs, and keeping them off your face requires a near constant lazy wave in front of your face that's known as the Aussie salute. Which I will be an expert at by the time the summer is over, I'm sure. But still, a lovely, lovely day. I could get used to this Christmas holidays in summer thing.

10:49 AM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink
Tuesday, 27 December 2005
What I did on my Christmas vacation
Topic: Catching up
I was right. The chunks of parsley weren't noticeable with the rye bread, so the dill dip was a hit, as always. I love a foolproof recipe. Saturday was the traditional day of big-family hubbub. I'm so glad that the Good Doctors have a big, noisy family, because I feel right at home with them. Eleven adults and five kids is actually on the smallish side for the holiday gatherings I'm used to, but two additional children are in the works for next year. The kids are all under the age of six, so there was more than enough excitement and enthusiasm to go around. Anyone who had a present had the option of accepting assistance opening it, or attempting to make an undignified escape from several sets of tiny fingers. 'No, no, c'mon you guys, you had your presents, let [child's name here] open their own', was the refrain of the afternoon. The one to watch was Chuckles, who's not quite two, and so was having his first Christmas where he sort of understood what was going on. Chuckles gets his name both from his easy laugh, and the way he gets everyone laughing with him. When he's happy, his smile pushes his chubby cheeks up almost to his eyebrows, so that all you can see of his big blue eyes is their merry twinkle. He was all glee while presents were being opened. His first was a stuffed Nemo almost as big as he is. All of Chuckles's presents were greeted with a wide-eyed "oooooooooooooooh" of awe and pleasure (even books - a child after my own heart), but 'Nemo Fisssss!' inspired shrieks of delight, and fits of joy that were beyond Chuckles's growing vocabulary and could only be expressed by raising Nemo over his head, tossing it to the floor, and throwing himself belly-down on it, kicking his feet until he rolled off in one direction or another. Meanwhile, Chuckles's cousin were going about the business of opening their presents and having their own little celebrations. In between opening their own presents, parents were procuring batteries so that lights would flash and noises could be made, and spiriting away the more tempting toys with lots of bits and pieces before they could be opened. And, as I discovered, the beauty of Christmas in summer is that, if the weather is remotely decent, the kids take their toys outside to play, leaving the adults to clean up in slightly shell-shocked silence. There were plenty of firsts this Christmas - my first mince pies, first Christmas crackers, first plum pudding (which gets points over fruitcake, although I will always prefer my parents' Christmas cookies for dessert), first Christmas barbeque, first Christmas rainbow (seen over northeastern Melbourne on Christmas afternoon), and of course, my first Boxing Day, which I spent with the Good Doctors. Mr Doctor attempted to explain some of the intricacies of the cricket to me while we watched the Boxing Day test. The terminology alone is brain-knotting, but I feel like I have a better handle on it than I do the footy. I was not subject to the all-day cricket experience, however, since the Good Doctors wanted to go to the movies, and invited me along. We saw The Chronicles of Narnia, which I enjoyed more than I expected to, and Broken Flowers, which was very unsatisfying. Tilda Swinton's performance as the White Witch is almost reason enough to see Narnia - she's a gorgeous, dramatic evil presence in the tradition of the old Disney villainesses - Maleficent, Snow White's Evil Queen, Cruella de Vil - all menace and grand gestures, with the wardrobe to match. Visually, the film is very well presented, although it drags a bit in places and sacrifices some of the plot and relationships for the sake of spectacle. Its not quite as good as The Lord of the Rings films at boiling down the essence of the book, but its nowhere near as bad as the Harry Potter films about relying on prior knowledge of the book to understand the story. Broken Flowers doesn't really seem to have a story at all, on the other hand. It has some excellent performances, and beautifully composed shots, but it doesn't provide a sense of resolution, or much insight into or understanding of its characters. Perhaps I might have enjoyed it more if I hadn't seen it after Narnia, which attempts to be an immersive experience. Broken Flowers keeps the audience at arm's length. It's a thought-provoking film, but not a satisfying one. All in all, I was well looked after and well entertained throughout the holiday weekend, and am now having great difficulty getting myself back into any sort of functional working mode. I've been shockingly lazy since Friday, and I like it a whole lot. I've got one more day to play, and then I think I'll be feeling the need to get my act together for my next supervisory meeting. Wish I could while away the whole week, but I think even I would get sick of my laziness after tomorrow.

1:22 PM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Monday, 9 April 2007 2:32 PM BST
Friday, 23 December 2005
Today, tomorrow, and the day after
Topic: Quotidiana

Earlier today, the sky was clear and blue, and there was just a hint of a nip in the breeze. The forecast predicted it would be the hottest day we've had this month, so I pulled my one-and-only summer dress out of the closet and headed out into the still-cool morning, bound for the Queen Victoria Market in search of rye bread, fresh dill, and fresh parsley.

The herbs were procured, and a source for the bread located (will be bought fresh tomorrow), and I wandered off down the long rows of stalls as the crowds grew and the heat gathered, looking for something to spend a bit of my Christmas money on. I found a pretty necklace of mixed tortoise shell, earthy red, and pale blue glass beads to go with my summer dress.

After a little more browsing and running a few errands, I headed home to whip up a batch of my favorite dill dip for The Good Doctors' family Christmas lunch tomorrow. Although, since I decided to use fresh herbs instead of dried, and since I don't have the best knife for that sort of fine chopping, it was less of a 'whip' and more of a 'crush and mangle'. And I don't think I got the proportions entirely right. It looks like it ought to, though, and preliminary taste tests were promising. I think that, when paired with a hearty rye bread, the larger, chewier pieces of parsley won't be noticeable.

I headed back out after cleaning up the kitchen (a casual observer could've been forgiven for thinking that I'd used a weed-whacker to prepare the herbs, considering the way bits of parsley and dill were strewn all over the countertop and floor) because the heat of a city afternoon is still preferable to the heat of my apartment as it traps the afternoon sun. I had a few hours to kill before meeting friends for drinks, so I went window shopping on Lygon Street, plotting how to spend the rest of my Christmas money. Window shopping while eating ice cream is a lovely way to spend a not-quite-unbearably hot late afternoon. And having a few drinks with friends is a delightful way to conclude a busy-yet-not-frantic summer day.

As I mentioned, tomorrow is the Good Doctors' family Christmas lunch, hosted by Gracious's parents, which they've been kind enough to include me in. I'm even in the adults' Kris Kringle gift exchange. Although I wonder if I ought to bring a little something for grandkids as well. Maybe I can find some Christmas goodies at the market tomorrow when I go pick up the bread. I'll spend Christmas morning with the Three Bears, and have lunch with them and the Good Doctors.

It still doesn't feel like Christmas to me. Throw all the Christmas trees, poinsettias, carols and Santas you want at me, if I'm wearing sandals, its just not Christmas time. The Salvation Army folks have trying their best to convince me that it is, with their little brass duos and trios on every other street corner, but I'm not buying. And you know what else is odd to me? Those brass players are young. Late teens or early twenties, most of them. I don't think I've ever seen a Salvation Army musical ensemble in the States that was younger than late middle age.

Enough of my loosely holiday-themed rambling. I hope that all of you have holiday plans that involve lots of cheer (of whatever kind suits you best). As they say in Australia, where a name isn't a name unless it has a nickname, have a happy Chrissie! Or as they say at Daily Kos, happy Chrismukkwanza!

1:25 PM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Monday, 9 April 2007 3:27 PM BST
Thursday, 22 December 2005
Spam scams and sweatshops
Topic: Development
Like Barista, I can't believe that there are people who a) ever did, and b) still continue to fall for 419 scam e-mails. Can that many people really have missed out on both the adage that "if something seems too good to be true, it probably is" as well as all the publicity about 419 scams that has been published in recent years? I am fascinated by the fact that there is an entire industry, believed to be one of Nigeria's largest,* devoted this scam. Barista points to my heart's in accra for further discussion of the phenomenon. (Take this quiz if you want to find out which Nigerian spammer you are.)

my heart's in accra taught me something new, which is always exciting, particularly when it involves one of my favorite countries. I had no idea that Cambodia has a garment industry regulations that are exemplary in terms of the protection and benefits they provide to industry employees. Unfortunately, the Cambodian garment industry is now facing stiff competition from the Chinese garment industry, which does not offer its workers the same protections (to say the least). According to this article (link from Beth's Blog), the Gap is a major American retailer with a strong commitment to Cambodia, so you have a good chance of finding that label in their clothes, as well as those from Old Navy and Banana Republic. This article (also from Beth's Blog) names some other major companies and retailers that buy Cambodian-made goods. Not that I'm encouraging anyone to shop at the mall. But if you're going to, keep an eye out for the "Made in Cambodia" label.

An interesting connection between the stories is the problem of corruption in Cambodia and Nigeria. In Cambodia, bribes to corrupt officials increase costs, undercutting garment factory profits and putting workers' jobs at risk. In Nigeria, corruption creates an atmosphere in which the various 419 spam scams can flourish. Transparency International, discusses some of the many costs of corruption. Based on TI's 2005 Corruption Perceptions Index, Cambodia and Nigeria both face significant challenges in combating entrenched corruption, with both countries currently ranked very near the bottom of the index.

*From the paper 'The Nigerian "419" Advance Fee Scams: Prank or Peril?' by Harvey Glickman of Haverford College, which is a fascinating read in terms of contextualizing the phenomenon historically (the type of scam dates from the 16th century) and politically (unemployed techies, political corruption, criminal networks are just some of the factors contributing to the strength of the 419 industry in Nigeria).

2:01 PM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Saturday, 31 December 2005 1:14 PM GMT
Topic: Odds and ends
Eh, so I should be doing research since the library is closed next week, but I'm distracted anyway by what an incredibly gorgeous day it is outside and need to kill a few minutes before I head outside to eat lunch on the lawn and soak up some sunshine (sorry, northeasterners, am I rubbing in all the warmth and the sunshine too much?), so I figure its a good time to do this, which has been sent my way by Kate (who got some kick-ass boots for Christmas, by the way).

The first player of this game starts with the topic five weird habits of yourself, and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says You are tagged (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

I'll try to confine this to weird habits that won't send people off shrieking in disgust and unable to look me in the eye ever again. I know, I'm no fun at all. The funny thing about quirks, though, is that you never know what's going to set people off. For instance:

1. I've had several friends express their shock and disgust that I feel absolutely no shame in publicly disassembling a sandwich with my fingers to dig out bits of tomato when I forget to order it without, or the sandwich makers forget to make it without. I absolutely loathe tomato. I've been successful in getting past my dislike of various other foods, but the tomato hatred apparently springs eternal. A possibly even weirder habit caused by this tomato aversion is the way I eat salsa, which is to stick a chip straight in, pull it straight out, and if necessary, gently scrape any clinging tomato bits off on the side of the jar or bowl. Love the salsa flavor, can't stand the chunks of tomato.

2. I eat the chocolate off the sides of a Kit-Kat bar first, then eat the wafery bit, which I sometimes disassemble layer by layer. And of course, lick my fingers with gusto after, another habit that tends to bother friends who dislike habit #1.

3. When I'm shopping, I make faces at particularly unattractive garments that catch my eye. The feeling of polyester makes me cringe, yet I touch polyester-nylon knits in the store just to make myself shudder. I've also been known to freeze next to displays of silk clothing just to inhale the scent of silk. If someone bottled the smell of silk-cashmere blend, it would be my signature fragrance.

4. When shopping with a friend, I love nothing better than picking up the most hideous and/or inappropriate garment/accessory/other item in the store and running up to them, gushing "I found it! I found it! You must have this! IT'S SO YOU!" Many people do not find this as amusing as I do.

5. Despite not being 6 years old, when confronted with a mass of single-serve sugar packets, I must actively resist the urge to do sugar shots. As you may have guessed, this involves downing the contents of a sugar packet in one go. My resistance is often unsuccessful, which is one more reason why its good that I don't have the money to go out for coffee very often.

There we go. I hope you're not appalled at my lack of social graces and/or cowardice in refusing to reveal my more appalling strange habits. As for who needs an excuse to post something new, I think Dave does. And Blancheflor. I suspect DamselFish is too busy, but will tag her in just on the off chance. Also agnoiologist. And anyone else who cares to expose their quirks to the world.

3:41 AM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink
Tuesday, 20 December 2005
Topic: Uni
I was, oh, about six on an overcast summer morning in Georgia when my parents took all of us kids down to the high school track. They brought along my bike so I could have a chance at a longer ride than laps around our driveway allowed for. It had rained heavily the night before, and I was wearing one of my favorite outfits, a deep greeny-blue Izod shorts-and-polo set. I thought the little alligator applique was so cute. Dad wanted to raise the training wheels on my bike, a step that I was unsure about. I said I didn't want the wheels raised because I would fall, and I was convinced it would be into a huge puddle that had formed on the inside edge of the track near the parking lot. Dad said, 'You won't fall,' and raised the training wheels another notch. I set off on my wobbly way, eyeing that puddle with deep misgivings. I made a couple circuits of the track without mishap until my last lap, where I headed for that puddle like I was on a lead and fell into it with an enormous splash.

I was reminded of that story today as I was heading home from uni after picking up the essay that I had been fussing about not so long ago. I did much better than I had expected. I did well, actually. I was really surprised. I had anticipated all the problems the lecturer identified, but I had overestimated how bad they really were, and I had anticipated almost none of her positive comments.

I realized that, even going back to my application to this program, I have been, not anticipating exactly, but fearing that I am going to screw this up massively. First I was afraid I wouldn't get in. Then I kept imagining ways that I would get rejected for student loans or the student visa. Once I cleared the hurdle of getting here, I started playing out various scenarios in which I flamed out and went home in disgrace. I don't know where this is coming from. I've always done well in school, I've been doing well here, I'm happy that I decided to come here. Yet I can't quite seem to shake the fear that I'm going to freeze up, flake out, or otherwise crash and burn.

I think I need to spend some time trying to figure out where this is coming from and what I can do to counteract it. For one thing, its causing me unnecessary stress. For another, if I'm going to make a splash here, I would rather not have it be one of the 'six-year-old's self-fulfilling prophecy' sort.

12:39 PM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink
Topic: Odds and ends
Can't stop watching this and laughing. Seriously, I've watched it four times in a row. It just doesn't stop being funny.

Andy Samberg is so my new celebrity crush.

(From Gawker and Boing Boing)

Edited because if I'm going to have a celebrity crush, I really should spell his name correctly.

And, because NBC apparently does not understand the value of viral video and insists on directing everyone to their site to see the video.

8:50 AM GMT | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 9 May 2006 4:27 PM BST
Endorsing Armenia
Topic: Raving
Somebody recently was directed here by googling "Armenia, having fun, going places". I just had to say something, because its such an unusual query (usually I get ones involving essays). If you, whoever you are, happen to come by again, I'm sorry I can't be of more help since my visit was for work and happened in midwinter, which is not the best time to be out and about in Armenia, but I can attest that yes, there are places to go and things to do and fun to be had. At least, there were five years ago. I can't believe it's been five years since I was there. Hopefully, there's even more stuff to do there now. I hope others on the web have been able to be more specific about the whats and wheres (this is usually a good place to get started). And there are wonderful people there. Warm, friendly, kind, hospitable - just really really wonderful. My ramblings about the country don't do it justice at all, but even five years later, I still think fondly of that trip and hope that I'll get a chance to go back someday - even if I do have to go in the middle of winter again.

7:48 AM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 20 December 2005 9:02 AM GMT
Monday, 19 December 2005
Whatever, WaPo
Topic: Whatever
The Washington Post ran a story earlier this month on the efforts to 're-brand' Baltimore with a city slogan that 'tout[s] the city's assets without ignoring its gritty, self-deprecating character.' The article was only mildly irritating as long as it stuck to a not-quite snickering tone discussing the crime rate and the 'quirkiness' of Baltimore. However, it ended with an anecdote about Hampden, the point of which was, basically: 'even hillbillies are horrified by Baltimore'. Whatever, WaPo. Baltimore is the city that could kick San Francisco's ass. Your sniggering disapproval is beneath notice.

Baltimore residents can snigger at slogans all they like, of course. Suggestions for snowpocalyptic slogans for Baltimore can be found here. I don't miss the city's irrational response to snow, exactly, but I do miss entertaining myself with speculations as to why it was that the merest hint of snow in the forecast resulted in local stores being stripped of milk, bread and toilet paper.

Merry Christmas, Mobtown, and rejoice in the glad tidings that you're not an Eyesore of the Month.

1:17 PM GMT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 24 January 2006 4:35 AM GMT
Sunday, 18 December 2005
Topic: Odds and ends
I have had far too many opportunities to observe the truth of this for myself since I arrived in Melbourne. I will take the word of friends who say that they're wonderfully comfortable in uninsulated homes on cold winter's days, but must they be worn outside and inflicted on the general public?

1:26 PM GMT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 20 December 2005 12:13 PM GMT

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